
Change The Way You Sell With Amazon Sponsored Ads To Maximize Your ROI

Setting up an Amazon store is easy, but gaining exposure takes time and effort. You will face many competitors that sell the same product, and if you don’t differentiate yourself from them, you might not generate the necessary sales.

To do so, it is essential to know your market and your customers, which can only be achieved with thorough research. It is also vital to invest into meeting customer expectations, as this is the only way to retain their business. The Amazon Sponsored Ads are the best way to quickly carve out the market for your product.

Amazon offers three types of ads:

  • Amazon Sponsored Products Ads
  • Amazon Headline Search Ads
  • Amazon Product Display Ads

Just like any other advertising campaign, Amazon sponsored ads require technical knowledge and proficiency. Here are a few tips that will help you optimize your Ads, and save you both time and money.

Make Use of both Automatic & Manual Features – Having control over the campaign helps you make the most profitable decisions. Hence, make use of both automatic and manual features.

Automatic features allow you to test the market and find out what search terms are being used by people to find similar products. You can set the campaign using a limited budget, thus ensuring that you limit your expenditure. After you run the test campaign for a couple of days, you should analyze the results to identify the most commonly used search terms to view your ads, which you should use in your manual targeting campaigns.

Make Use Of Match Types – Amazon uses broad, phrase, exact and negative match types to refine targeting. You should employ a combination of these to ensure that you target the buyers with an intent to purchase.


Offer Relevant Results – Offering relevant results for their searches is the best way to ensure a good user experience. Hence, it is better to avoid showing ads that are not relevant to their searches. Product listing ads are particularly useful in this case, as they can be linked to the search and will be easily accessed by the potential leads too.

Run an Organized Campaign – Organization is vital for cost-effective and successful campaigns. If your campaign is not organized effectively, you might lose more than your investment. The basic logic for organizing a campaign mandates that you group the products with relevant keywords, and tailor the campaigns to each product category, brand, and top sellers. In addition, you should allocate the bids according to the profit margins.

Never Let Your Ads Pop Out For Irrelevant Searches – With the help of negative keywords, Amazon ads allow you to prevent the ads from showing up for irrelevant searches. Hence, make the maximum use of the option to block negative keywords, while increasing the inflow of relevant visitors, as this will save you money.

Set Different Bids – Not every product has the same profit margins; hence, you cannot use the same bid amount for all keywords. Opt for the keywords that are most likely to bring in the greatest value and offer a higher bid on them. You should also set your bids high to improve your search history.

Use the Right Images – Displaying the right images can make a considerable impact on your sales. High quality resolution is always beneficial, as are product details that you wish to demonstrate to the potential buyers. The image should grab the buyer’s attention and make him/her buy it, so post images taken from different angles.

It might take some time for your Ads to yield success. Be patient. Examine the results often and make optimizations if needed, as this will ensure that your ads get the maximum reach. Remember, the right keyword can make all the difference in generating appropriate conversions.

 Author Bio:

Mr. Duhane Williams is an experienced digital marketer and a great team builder. He uses his world-class marketing management skills in providing successful strategies for the development of new businesses. Visit https://www.venttraffic.com to read more.

Duhane Williams About the Author / Duhane Williams

Founder & CEO Of Venttraffic Media Inc

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